Thursday, September 9, 2010

Harvesting and reflections.

One thing is for sure my tomato harvest has been pretty good so far. We have some new stars in the garden. # most notable are Rose with fruits which easily exceed a pound.Black from Tula which not only produced some great tasting tomatoes but also is a producing machine and Campari OP which has also produced lots of tasty fruits. Black Krim also did well but is done for the season. I have several other I am still waiting on.But I am getting concerned about the weather right now as our lows are dipping down to the upper 40's to mid 50's with day temps in the 70's. My keeper list is as follows.Any of them with a question mark is a debatable return.

Black Krim
Black from Tula
Giant Italian Paste
Mariana's Peace
Earl's Faux
Big Zac F9

Note this list is not complete as some have not gotten ripe yet.

Cucumbers where outstanding this year with over 100 cukes harvested. Gonna have to plant extras next year. Kabocha squash where a great producer this year too with 15 squash harvested. Pumpkins where not so good.Not because of weather or anything I did or did not do but because of Squash Vine borer. But I still managed to get two perfect Jack O Lanterns (Howden FM) and still growing is my rather large but not earth shattering Atlantic Giant which looks to be about 100 pounds.

Peppers: While I have gotten some nice ones production could have been better and am still waiting on some more to be ready for harvest.
